Get to know the Instructors – Natasha
Our bendy Tash is also a dancer and a circus aerialist. Yoga is an essential part of her daily routine for conditioning, injury recovery, and overall mental wellbeing. Find out more about her below:
What to expect from a class with you:
I really, really love stretching! So expect to work through a moving meditation flow towards deep hip openers and a backbend or two.
Favourite pose and why:
Natarajasana (Dancers Pose) - I love how this pose combines balance, strength and flexibility all in one. How you fight to stay there, pulling, pushing, in all directions and at the same time with a soft focus, finding a sense of peacefulness amongst the chaos. Its magical.
What you’re doing when you’re not at yoga:
Hanging upside down off a trapeze.
Favourite Quote:
"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint’, then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." Vincent Van Gogh.
Favourite dog breed:
Guilty pleasure: