Get to know the Instructors – Sam

Our Tassie beach babe has a big heart and even bigger dreams. Her classes involve soulful movement that intertwines the mind body connection and offers philosophy and compassion along the way. Find out more about her below:
Favourite pose and why:
Half pigeon. There is no hiding in Eka Pada Rajakapotasana. You are forced to dive right into the utmost tense corners of the body and confront the emotional and physical tension. Pigeon has been a healing balm for me, it always forces me to get unstuck, breathe and surrender. The wave of release and calm that washes over after ALWAYS reminds me why it's worth it even though during the midst of it you may want to scream/swear/quit/run. TRUST ME stay with it. And breathe. Breathing is everything.
Other talents besides teaching yoga:
I’m a journalist too with a passion and background in health and fitness. I’m forever fascinated by the way you can enhance your wellbeing through food, fitness, meditation, psychology and of course yoga!
What you’re doing when you’re not at yoga:
You will find me either journaling at Rushcutters Bay, writing at my local cafe (I always start the day with a double macchiato!), bobbing in the waves at Bondi or catching up with girlfriends over Rose and tragic dating stories.
Favourite dog breed:
Pugs are my spirit animal for sure. They’re super smiley, love food and are easily made happy when in the company of others.
If you could choose a superpower:
To heal hurt. Or at least make everyone I come into counter with smile. After living in London during a very turbulent time of endless terror attacks, I really felt the downtrodden, hurt collective energy of humanity. I would love to be able to wave a magic wand that restored everyone’s hearts to be whole and full of joy and positivity again, just as we begin as innocent children. That’s what I hope to offer in my yoga classes - a way to restore the soul.